SHAMA, Inc. A nonprofit 501(c)3 organization
Jagdish Chander
2460 Crescent Court, Plover WI 54467  (715) 341-1538
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Eating lunch provided by SHAMA, Inc. and SPRJ Kayashala Trust
Lunch program


SHAMA WELL  ||  ShamaKids  ||  WOW  ||  Scholarships  || Health || Adult Literacy
Mhaskal Village || Cultural Education || Heritage India || G.V. Naidu Elementary School
SHAMA Slum Kids || New! Smart WELL Leadership

The number, scope, size, and successes of SHAMA, Inc.'s programs have grown considerably over the years. When our organization began its work, the scholarship program at P.N. Doshi College in Mumbai was our sole concern. Now we have many more on-going programs, as evidenced by the list above, and have contributed to others. This map of India shows where we have an impact in India.

Past projects include:

Gaddi Women's Self-Help Society  ||  Tsunami Relief  || SVI Rural Health Centre

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Web design by Lynn Kirby, 2009