G.V. Naidu Elementary SchoolSHAMA, Inc. and READ contributed to the building of this school.
Report on The G.V. Naidu Elementary School project undertaken with the help of SHAMA,Inc., U.S and READ, India has been successfully completed. Over $25,000 were collected from friends and relatives across America, especially the Madison community. These funds were supplemented by personal contributions and some donations from India. (See 2009 update) The opening ceremony for the School’s three new classrooms was held on Jan 17, 2007 with Trustee Prof.P.V.Arunachalam, former vice chancellor of Dravidian University presiding. Government officials and dignitaries graced the occasion. The School has a Library with books worth Rs. 15,000 and two bookcases. Preschools to 7th grade classes have an enrollment of 68 students (expected to reach 80 later in the year). (Click on pictures for larger views)
SPORTS day was celebrated for the first time in the history of the school on Jan 16th with twenty events for boys and girls in different age groups. Winners were awarded prizes (school supplies like pens, pencils, rulers, and geometry boxes). A few sample pictures. There were more events, more awards, etc.
Donations in India were in cash, kind and services. The Sambhram Group in Bangalore donated three computers. Rs.25,000 were raised in Chittoor. Wipro's Premji Foundation in Bangalore donated 35 CDs to assist Elementary school children in various learning processes (computers, mathematics, science, and geography). Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) in Hyderabad provided adult literacy software Developed by them. Adult education classes will be offered for adults in surrounding villages (population approximately 5,000). Three Physicians purchased vaccinations and vaccinated all the school children and some interested villagers. They gave physical exams to one-third of the students and will examine the rest at a later date. The villagers will provide security for the School assets and do "sramadhanam" for further improvements (a wall to be built around the school). Land contiguous to the School was donated for further expansion of the School Activities in 2007 included acquisition of floor desks for students. Funds for desks are in the current budget. Additional funds are needed for bathrooms (more than 50% of the students are girls), a water connection from the village tank (150 yards away), and additional floor desks for students and furniture for teachers. (G.M.Naidu visited India in January, 2007 to oversee completion of the project and was successful in securing donations in India from businesses, family and friends. He filed this report.) 2009 Update
![]() Main gate of G. V. Naidu School compound |
![]() Ribbon cutting by Dr. Sarojamma, VC Mahila Univ |
![]() School Project donors |
![]() Drama podium for children |
Additional books and DVD's, including "Planet Earth (BBC production) and "March of Penguins," were added to the library. Amara Raja Batteries in Tirupati has donated UPS system to run computers and TV when there is a power failure (which is very frequent.)
![]() School function |
![]() Sports 1 |
![]() Sports 2 |
![]() Sports 3 |
In April I came to know that the current headmaster got a transfer and one of the good teachers got promotion and posted to a different school. This is a loss for the school as he was the most computer literate among the six teachers. We are expecting the replacements to have good credentials. As the new school year gets started at the end of June, we expect an enrollment of some 60 students from kindergarten to 7th grade.
At over 400 ft. depth, a new bore well on the premises is yielding one and a half inches of water. We are hoping to complete the toilets this year and undertake campus landscaping and beautification.
If there is an adequate water supply, students will grow vegetables for their mid-day meal. We are still seeking donations (through SHAMA, Inc.) to complete toilets, acquire floor desks, and tables and chairs for the teachers. When these things are completed, the school maintenance is transferred to the village. Parents are eagerly seeking one or two teachers who can teach English in the evenings to interested students.