SHAMA, Inc. A nonprofit 501(c)3 organization
Jagdish Chander
2460 Crescent Court, Plover WI 54467  (715) 341-1538
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Woman receiving award
Chandubai receiving award

National Award to Woman from Mhaskal Village

Chandubai, the former village Sarpanch (head) of Mhaskal, is one of the three women selected by the national selection committee of IC  Centre for Governance (ICCFG) for an award that was presented mid-March, 2007 in New Delhi.  These three women were recognized and honored for their leadership and achievements by a federal minister.

A lengthy report is required to nominate a woman for this competition. Here is a quote describing some of the requirements of the report:

The report should be in approximately 20-25 pages (4 to 5 thousand words) neatly typed /printed with a two page abstract. Each report must reflect the participant's own experience and original thinking....

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