ADIREADIRE is a registered charitable trust in India with a mission to improve the lives of rural poor, applying appropriate modern technology, renewable energy and local capacity building for reviving cost effective and environmentally friendly village clusters of ancient India. "ADIRE's initiative is focused on two fundamental concepts. Harness the local natural resources and Develop and Modernize the local skills with the objective of 'psycho-social transformation and integrated sustainable rural development' in four major areas through four village centers called 'HELP' Centers." (From the ADIRE web page.) SHAMA, INC's mission corresponds with ADIRE's goals. Through ADIRE, SHAMA WELL loans are helping to support the following activities in several villages in the state of Orissa, on the east coast of India:
In addition, the ShamaKids program has found sponsors for the education of children who attend the Adi' Vidya Mandir school in Jahangirabad, Orissa. Click here for more exciting information about this school and its association with other SHAMA, Inc/ADIRE projects. Village Development 2019I have very good news about the work that our partner NGO in Odisha has been doing. As some of you may already know, Dr. Durga Prasad Kar took a professorship position last year at the University of Odisha in Bhubaneswar last year. He has a Ph. D. from Colorado School of Mines in Mechanical Engineering. Shreemayee Kar has joined him in SHAMA's work in Jahangirabad. Many inspection teams of Indian Central Government evaluated their work and selected it as one of the models for Village Development for the rest of the country. One of the professors from IITs (a group of prestigious Institutions of higher Education) is developing a data sensor machine to be launched with an Indian satellite later this year to collect data from one hundred villages, which will be shared amongst other NGO's that are involved in similar work. Biogas CooperativesHelping to provide inexpensive and environmentally friendly energy for undeveloped villages in India is SHAMA WELL’s latest project. We helped with the purchase of a digester that uses a bacterial process to convert cow manure to biogas to be used for cooking stoves, thus saving trees. This creates a local economic boom: farmers sell manure to the SHAMA WELL Cooperative, which in turn sells the biogas and the fertilizer generated as a byproduct. The biogas plant employs five families. SHAMA WELL loans also help families purchase cows, whose milk and manure can be sold to the Cooperative. The women still hoping for loans have
a variety of ideas for ways to earn their livings. Click here to see
these women and their ideas:
SHAMA WELL-ADIRE. NOTE: ShamaWell made loans through ADIRE to 15 women in three villages (Jahangirabad, Balabhadrapur, and Ganeswarpur) in the state of Orissa. All of the women (8) who started their business in August-October, 2006 fully repaid their loans by February 2007. Seven more women were given loans to begin their business in December, 2006. Again they have followed the same trend and percentage of payback. Click on pictures for larger views.
Vertical gardening
To see women and their loan requests to fund income-generating projects through ADIRE, see SHAMA WELL-ADIRE. |
Web design by Lynn Kirby, 2007 |